Event-Handler — [zu engl. event »Ereignis«], Handler … Universal-Lexikon
Event handler — In computer programming, an event handler is an asynchronous callback subroutine that handles inputs received in a program. Each event is a piece of application level information from the underlying framework, typically the GUI toolkit. GUI… … Wikipedia
Event-Handler — Ein Ereignis (engl. event) dient in der Softwaretechnik zur Steuerung des Programmflusses. Das Programm wird nicht linear durchlaufen, sondern es werden spezielle Ereignisbehandlungsroutinen (engl. listener, observer, event handler) immer dann… … Deutsch Wikipedia
event handler — segment of a program which responds to the occurrence of events … English contemporary dictionary
Handler — may refer to:a person who handles something: ** animal handler, person who conducts animal training or is a wrangler (profession). ** a sports handler, a coach (sport) or sports agent of a sports player, or a promoter (entertainment) ** agent… … Wikipedia
Event (computing) — In computing an event is an action that is usually initiated outside the scope of a program and that is handled by a piece of code inside the program. Typically events are handled synchronous with the program flow, that is, the program has one or … Wikipedia
Event-driven programming — Programming paradigms Agent oriented Automata based Component based Flow based Pipelined Concatenative Concurrent computin … Wikipedia
Event loop — In computer science, the event loop, message dispatcher, message loop, message pump, or run loop is a programming construct that waits for and dispatches events or messages in a program. It works by polling some internal or external event… … Wikipedia
Händler — Händ|ler [ hɛndlɐ], der; s, , Händ|le|rin [ hɛndlərɪn], die; , nen: Person, die Handel treibt: die Händlerin verdiente bei dem Verkauf des Gebrauchtwagens eine Menge Geld. Syn.: ↑ Geschäftsfrau, ↑ Geschäftsmann, ↑ Kauffrau, ↑ Kaufmann. Zus.:… … Universal-Lexikon
Event cascade — In event driven computer programs, an event cascade occurs when an event handler causes another event to occur which also triggers an event handler. This can be a tricky source of program errors (see computer bug) … Wikipedia
Event-Handel — Handelsveranstaltung, bei der Events (Sport, Musik , Kultur , Wissenschafts , Gesundheits bzw. karitative Veranstaltungen) erzeugt werden, und auf denen ausgewählte Händler spezielle, auf die Zielgruppe der Besucher ausgesuchte Waren anbieten.… … Lexikon der Economics